1. Individual Growth
Understanding Growth
Growth can be interpreted as a quantitative
change in material things as a result of environmental influences. The
quantitative changes can be enlarged or added from nothing into nothing, from
small to large of a little into a lot, and
others. Factors of Affecting Growth. Some of the factors that affect growth between:
ü Biological factors.
All normal and healthy man definitely has an
intact limb such as the head, hands, feet and other. This can explain that some
similarities in personality and behavior. However there are specific biological
heritage. That is, each individual is not all there that have the same physical
ü Geographical factors.
Every good physical environment will bring
good also on its inhabitants. Causing the relationship between individuals can
run well and mencimbulkan good individual personality as well. But if the poor
physical environment and the absence of good relations with other individuals,
it will create a situation that is not good anyway.
ü Special Cultural factors.
Culture differences can affect the personality of its
members. However, by no means all individuals who are in the community who have
the same culture also have the same personality as well.
2. Function of Family
Definition of Family
Family functioning is a jobs or tasks that
must be implemented in or by the family. Family functions according to
Friedman, 1998 (in Setiawati & Courtesy, 2008) are :
Affective functions
Affective function is an internal function of
the family as the basic strength of the family. Therein associated with mutual
love, mutual support and mutual respect among members ancestry.
Socialization function
Socialization function is a function that is
developing a process of interaction in the family. Socialization begins at
birth and family is a place of individuals to learn to socialize.
Reproductive function
Reproductive function is a function of the
family to carry on offspring survival and increase human resources.
Both economic function
The economic function is a function of the family to meet
the needs of all family members, namely: clothing, food and shelter.
Function Health Care
The function of health care is a family function to
prevent health problems and caring for family members with health problems.
Various of Function Family :
o Function of Education
Parents as family members work to educate
children, to send them to a high level. In addition to formal education, families
can also provide informal education outside of school.
o Function of Religious
The family also serves to introduce religion
or belief to children since they were little. Parents must in still
religious values to their children for lunch after a life in this world.
Because we have to remember that human beings do not always live in the world.
o Function of Economy
The economic function should be run by the head of the
family. Father as head of the family are required to work for a living to meet
the needs of the household. However, in today's era of women's emancipation is
not uncommon to see there are mothers who helped meet the needs of the family
by working as a career woman.
3. Family and Community
Understanding Family.
The family is the smallest unit of society
consisting of head of the family and some of the people who collected and live
in a place under a roof in a state of mutual dependence.Understanding Society. Society is one of the social unit social system, or the
unity of human life. The English term is society, while society itself is
derived from the Arabic word meaning Syakara participate or participation,
community Arabic word meaning Interacting with the term scientific interact.
Community and Groups
§ Simple society.
In simple societies (primitive) patterns of
division of labor tends to be differentiated according to gender. The division
of labor by sex, seems to stem from the starting of the background of the
weakness and physical abilities between a woman and a man in the face of the challenges
of nature.
§ Forward society.
Advanced society has a variety of social
group needs, or better known as a group community organizations grow and
evolve based on the needs and specific objectives to be achieved.
· Differences Between Non-Industrial
Society and Industrial Society.
ü Primary group
In the primary group, the interaction
between members established more intensive, more closely, more familiar. The
primary group is also called the "face to face group", Nature
interaction in patterned primary groups based on kinship and sympathy. The
division of labor or the division of tasks in the group, which receives and
duties shall not be obliged, more emphasis on awareness, responsibility and the
members took place on the basis of sympathy and voluntarily. Examples of
primary groups, among others: family, neighborhood, study groups, religious
groups, and so forth.
ü Secondary group
Between members of the secondary group,
adrift indirect mutual relations, formal, less also are familial. The members
accept the division of labor / tasks on the basis of ability: specific skills,
in addition to the dedication required. Such things were necessary to achieve
the specific goals and objectives that have been if lot in programs that have
been agreed upon. Examples of secondary groups, for example: political parties,
associations of trade unions / labor unions, professional organizations and so
on. 4. Relationship Between
Individuals, Communities, and Society.
4. Relationship Between
Individuals, Communities, and Society.
Aspects of
individuals, groups, communities are social aspects that can not be separated.
All three have a very close relationship. If there is no individual there is no
group, if there is no family group would not exist, if there is no family would
not society. While on the other hand to develop as human existence, the
individual in need families and communities, namely the medium in which people
can express their social aspects.
- Definition of
individuals, families and communities

Individuals derived from the Latin word which means
undivided individual. Individuals emphasize inquiry to the realities of life
are special and how to affect human lives (Abu Ahmadi, 1991: 23). Individuals
not mean humans as a whole that can not be divided, but as a finite entity, i.e, as individual human beings. Individual is a man who not only has a special role
in the social environment, but also has a personality as well as his specific
behavior patterns. There are three aspects which are attached as the perception
of the individual, the organic aspects of physical, psychological-spiritual
aspects, and social aspects in the event of a shock at some aspects will take
effect on other aspects. Individuals in behavior according to his personal
pattern there are 3 possibilities: first to deviate from the norm of collective
loss of individuality, the second defeat of the collective, and the third
affects the community (Hartomo, 2004: 64).

The family is a group of people
living in part or whole building who live together and eat from the kitchen are
not limited to those who have a blood relative, or someone who inhabit some or
all of the buildings that takes care of his own needs. The family comes from
Sanskrit: kula and citizens "kulawarga" which means
"members" "kin group". The family is the environment in
which a few people who still have blood relations, united. Nuclear family
"nuclear family" consisting of father, mother, and their children. Contained
in various roles within the family are as follows:
The role as a father:
role as breadwinner, educator, protector and provider safety, as the head of
the family.
The role as a mother:
a mother has a role to take care of the household, as caregivers and educators
of their children, protective, secondary earner in the family.
Role as a children:
Children perform the role of psychosocial accordance with the level of
development of physical, mental, social, and spiritual.
Tasks of Family
Basically there are eight family
duties following main tasks, they are :Ø
Physical maintenance
of the family and its members.
Maintenance of the
resources that exist in the family.
The division of tasks
for each of its members in accordance with their respective position.
Socialization among
family members.
Setting the number of
family members.
Maintenance of order
family members.
Placement of family
members in the wider society.
encouragement and enthusiasm of its members.
Function in family
There are several functions that
can run the family, as follows:Ø
Function of
In this case the task is to educate families and send
their children to prepare for adulthood and the future of adult children in
Function of
socialization of the child
Family duties in carrying out this function is how
families prepare children to become good members of society.
The task of the family in this case is to protect
children from acts that are not good, so family members feel protected and feel
Function of
Tasks in this family is keeping it instuitif feeling
and atmosphere of the child and other members to communicate and interact among
fellow members of the family. So that mutual understanding of each other in
fostering harmony in the family.
Function of
Family duties in this function is to introduce and
invite children and other family members in religious life, and the task of the
head of the family to instill the belief that there are other beliefs that
govern this life and there is life after the world.
Function Economical.
task of the head of the family in this case is to find the sources of life in
fulfilling the functions of the family, the head of the family to work to earn
money, regulate the income, such that it can meet the needs of family.
Function of
The task of the family in this recreation function
does not have to always go to a place of recreation, but it is important how to
create a pleasant atmosphere in the family so that it can be done at home by
watching TV together, talked about each other's experiences, etc.
Function of
The main task of the family in this case is to
continue the descent as the next generation. Give love, attention, and security between family, as well as fostering personality maturation family members.Society
- Relationships Individuals, Families and Communities
as an individual when the typical behavior itself was projected in a social
environment that is called society. Units of the social environment that
surrounds the individual consists of families, institutions, communities and
The relationship of individuals with family
have a close relationship with the family, with father, mother, grandfather,
grandmother, uncle, aunt, brother, and sister. This relationship can be based
on the values, norms and rules attached to the family concerned.
The relationship of individuals to institutions
is defined as a set of norms that are constantly being made by man since the
norms that provide benefits to them.
The relationship of individuals to the community
can be defined as a unit of a number of people living together who have limited
territorial, has similarities to like something and organizational planning a
life together. Community includes individuals, families and institutions
interconnected independently.
The relationship of individuals to society
relationships with the communities located in mutual uphold human rights and
obligations as an individual and social human beings. Where are the rights of
individual and community rights should be determined by priority to the right
of the community rather than individual rights. Mutual cooperation is the right
of people, whereas with family recreation, entertainment, shopping is an
individual right that should prioritize the rights of society.
is the movement of people from rural to urban. Urbanization is a serious
problem for us all, uneven population distribution between village and town
would be problematic social life. The number of significant increase in city
population without the support and offset by the number of jobs, public
facilities, law enforcement, housing, food supply, and so of course is an issue
that must be addressed.
to the science of population, urbanization definition means the percentage of
the population living in urban areas. The movement of people from rural to
urban areas only one of the causes of urbanization. displacement itself is categorized
into 2 types, Population Migration and Mobility. Population Migration is
the movement of people from rural to urban areas that aim to permanently stay
in the city, while the Mobility meant the movement of people who only
temporary or permanent.
effects can be in the form of something that is pushing, forcing or someone
driving factors for urbanization. Below are some examples or in part can
basically move a person to perform urbanization.
Attractor Factor :
The occurrence of Urbanizationü More modern city life
ü Facilities and
infrastructure of the city is complete
ü Many jobs in the city
ü School and college education
and better quality
Incentives occurrence of Urbanization
§ Agricultural land
increasingly narrow
§ Do not get along with the
culture of the place of origin
§ Unemployed because not a lot
of jobs in the village
§ Limited facilities and
infrastructure in the village
§ Expelled from their villages
§ Having a strong dream to be
Advantages of Urbanization
v Modern villagers
v Increase knowledge of the
v Establish good cooperation
between residents of a region
v Compensate for the urban
community with villagers
As a result of
Ø Suburb formation of new settlements suburban
Ø The increasing unemployed (those who do not have a regular job)
Ø Housing issues which are narrow and do not meet the health requirements
Ø Unhealthy environment, caused social unrest and crime
Source :
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